Friday 22 February 2019

Shakespeare reading

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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. His father was a glove maker, and his business did well, so William’s family was not poor. His father became an important person in the town.
William was the eldest boy in the family, so he had to help his father. One day, he went to a market with his younger brother, Edmund. Edmund slipped because it was muddy, and a young woman helped him to stand up.
 Her name was Anne Hathaway, and she lived near Stratford. After this meeting at the market, William and Anne fell in love, and they married in 1582.
Anne gave birth to their first child, Susanna, in 1583. At first, William and Anne lived with William’s parents, but they moved to another house in 1584. Their twins, Judith and Hamnet, were born in 1585. Sadly, Hamnet died when he was only eleven years old. William was not happy in Stratford, because he wanted to work in the best theatres. But these were in London, so in 1587 William went to live there to follow his dream.
He asked his brother to look after his wife and children, and he sent money home to Stratford and visited when he could. During his career, he worked as an actor, and he also wrote thirty seven plays: seventeen comedies, ten histories and ten tragedies, as well as poems.
Shakespeare became rich and famous and his company of actors had enough money for a new theatre, The Globe, built in 1598. During a play in 1613, a fire started and The Globe burnt down and Shakespeare retired after the accident.
He died on his birthday, aged 52, in 1616, and was buried in a church in Stratford. His daughter Susanna inherited most of his money and possessions.

Put he following questions in order and answer them:
       many how write did Shakespeare plays? 
-          Shakespeare where live did?
-          happened what 1598 in?
-          died when did he?

Find the simple past form of the following verbs in the text. Classify them into regular or irregular:

Bury: ________________________                             Inherit: _____________________
Become: _____________________                              Start: ______________________
Die: _________________________                             Build: ______________________
Send: ________________________                             Write: ______________________
Visit: ________________________                             Work: ______________________
Be: __________________________                             Go:________________________
Have: ________________________                             Move: ______________________

Regular verbs
Irregular verbs

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