Thursday 21 February 2019

Transform the following text into simple past tense

Barbara lives in a big flat in Liverpool. In the mornings, she wakes up and has a shower.  Then she makes breakfast. She has a typical English breakfast with eggs and bacon. After that, she goes to work.
Image result for english breakfast
She works in an office in the center of London. She sits in front of the computer and writes emails. She doesn’t like her job very much, but she likes earning money. At 12 o’clock she has lunch. After lunch, she comes back to work and writes more emails. At 7 o’clock hse leaves work.
She sometimes sees her boyfriend in the evenings. He lives on the opposite side of London, so she takes the underground.
On weekends, she doesn’t have to work. She usually goes out for a few beers with his friends on Friday night. On Saturday, she goes shopping. On Sunday, she goes to his grandmother’s house for tea. 
On Monday, she gets up early and goes back to work.

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